...is a designer and artist working across the realms of 3D animation, immersive spaces and live performance; often combining future-facing tech such as motion-capture, virtual-reality and the metaverse.
Three Arena Pop!
A set of animations that would live inside the newly rebranded 3Arena Dublin (formerly the O2 Arena). The detailing inside featured a whole host of new branded elements, lighting and also some giant projection areas for animated content - one (mirrored) HD one on either side of the Auditorium and two super-wide ones that would live just outside the main arena in the main thoroughfare and bar.
The pieces are a set of abstract animations that don't represent any form, but rather are there to invoke a feeling through their pace, colours and shapes. They are know as 'The Pink One', 'The Green One' and 'The Auditorium One' (no pompous names). The Pink and the Green were the super-wide ones and started life as a bunch of individual compositions, with every element animated to appear and disappear.
Client: 3 Arena Dublin
Agency: WHAM!
Director - Neal Coghlan
Design & Animation - Neal Coghlan, Chris Thompson
Drum & Bass TV